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Alliance Legal

ALG lawyers have worked internationally on legal and policy issues related to technology. The countries where they have worked include: Ireland, Macedonia, Azerbaijan, Israel, Jordan, Ukraine, Lebanon, New Zealand, China. Right now, we know that there are...

Alcohol Labeling Requirements Usa

What TTB label requirements are most often violated and how can you avoid errors on your distilled spirits labels? Let`s take a look! (e) Alcohol-free. The term `non-alcoholic` may be used on the labels of malt drinks only if the words `less than 0,5 % by...

Ajjb Law Payment

I just want to warn people about my experience. I started receiving txts, emails, and even a letter in the mail from this company. What`s worrisome was a debt I owed, so I set up a repayment plan via their links in the txts, even though they didn`t...

Agile Legal Management

Then the next thing that`s going to happen is that you want to have this kind of conversation with your client about what went well and what didn`t go well? What are you looking forward to? What are you unhappy with? And you`re going to include that...

Ag Law and Taxation Blog

At regular intervals, I post an article that contains links to all my blog posts that have been published recently. Today`s article is a bibliography of my articles from the beginning of 2022 to june. I hope this will support your research on agricultural...