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Legal Advice for Property Disputes

Disputes between co-owners often arise when they cannot agree on the management of their property or when one co-owner pays more costs than the other. To avoid future disputes, it`s a good idea to create a contract that defines how future disputes and...

Legal Address Po Polsku

Although it was built in 1890, the building is so off the beaten path that it has only recently been given a legal address, and the alley itself does not appear on most maps. Abuelazam`s legal address is in Bradenton, Florida, according to the arrest...

Legal Action against Family Member

Probate disputes involve a complex legal process. It can take years to solve problems. During the course of the ongoing litigation, the costs to the estate and to the person bringing the action add up. When family members disagree – and that disagreement...

Legal 500 Turkey It

”They always respond quickly and provide appropriate legal advice. They have an extensive team of experts. They are good at drafting agreements/documents in English. “Ecem Süsoy Uygun always offers solutions and advises our questions as soon...

Legal 500 Georgia

”The team impresses with their in-depth knowledge and business acumen. Your advice is very useful and reliable not only from a legal point of view, but also from a commercial point of view. The BLB team is extremely helpful in government relations,...