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The ELU and Shearman & Sterling also represented the group in bankruptcy court. A settlement in the case was approved by the bankruptcy court and included $1.282 million to be paid by the defendants, including nearly $1.2 million for the workers. As part of the settlement, the franchise also agreed to pay its delivery drivers the full minimum wage instead of the reduced “inclined” wage. Veterans Legal Aid – Find free legal clinics and other resources from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. The ELU works with community organizations, worker centers, and social services to identify and assist New York City clients with employment law issues. The Employment Law Department (ELU) provides support to clients – usually low-wage earners and unemployed people – who are faced with a range of employment law issues. Most LU cases involve wage violations, discrimination in the workplace, family and sick leave, human trafficking and unemployment insurance. Undocumented workers are particularly vulnerable to exploitation by unscrupulous employers, and the ELU works closely with our Immigration Law Department to help apply for U or T visas.

Immigration Legal Services – Search your state for free legal service providers. for persons in immigration procedures. Click on one of the sub-themes below for legal information, forms, service providers or court information. If what you`re looking for isn`t available, contact your local legal aid office or the Virginia State Bar. Individual lawyers (also called lawyers) are experts in various areas of law. Some lawyers specialize in a particular area of law, such as: Economic, civil, criminal or juvenile law. You need to determine what type of lawyer is right for your legal situation. Once you`ve found a lawyer, ask them about their experience, areas of expertise, and questions such as “How would you handle my case?” and “What do you charge for your services/what is your fee structure?” – Find free legal aid programs in your community. Here you will find information about your legal rights by topic, e.g. housing, divorce, family allowances and debt collection. Pension Entitlement Centre – Get free legal help if you have problems with your pension, profit-sharing or retirement savings.

ELU also works with law firms that become pro bono co-counsel in our litigation. ELU also works with retired volunteers and law students to increase our capacity to represent low-wage workers. Legal Action of Wisconsin, Inc. (Legal Action) is seeking a full-time attorney to join our Madison office. The lawyer represents low-income people in family law matters. Information about the law or tools to solve simple legal problems. In addition to asking friends and family for the name of a good lawyer or checking the phone book, you can find legal help online. Armed Forces Legal Assistance – Find nearby military facilities with legal aid offices. Please note: Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, our offices continue to operate remotely, with some employees attending events and in-person meetings as required.

We are willing to consider temporary remote work schedules for out-of-state applicants who prefer not to move during the pandemic. National Disability Rights Network – Find legal advice by state for people with disabilities. Seniors Care Locator – Enter your postal code to find local offices for legal and senior care organizations. Legal Action of Wisconsin, Inc. (LAW) is seeking one (1) full-time attorney in the Intake and Brief Services Unit. This lawyer position supports the entire law firm. The position can be based in one of our six existing legal action offices or work from home. ELU, along with pro bono attorney Shearman & Sterling LLP, represented more than 60 current and former pizza suppliers in federal district court against DPNY, which owned four Domino`s Pizza outlets in Manhattan, and franchisor Domino`s. We first met with the complainants through an organization with which we work closely, National Mobilization Against Sweatshops (NMASS), a New York labor organization. The lawsuit concerned systematic violations of wage theft – minimum wage and unpaid overtime, violations of tipping rules and reprisals against workers who complained of these practices.

Free pro bono legal aid – Find free or low-income legal aid. Legal Services Corporation (LSC) – Find legal help for low-income individuals and families. Legal Aid at Work lawyers and staff will continue to work on behalf of our clients, but our physical offices will not be open to the public as of Tuesday, March 17, 2020.