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A proclamation is an official announcement in public. A proclamation is an official declaration. In English law, a proclamation is a formal announcement under the Great Seal of a matter which the King wishes to communicate to his subjects in the Council or to the reigning Queen in the Council: for example, the declaration of war or a state of emergency, the declaration of neutrality, the convening or dissolution of Parliament, or the enactment of the provisions of an Act which the Legislature has left to the Legislature to enforce. The discretion of the king in the announcement. Royal proclamations of this kind, made to promote the executive power of the Crown, are binding on the subject “if they do not contradict the old laws or tend to establish new ones, but only to restrict the execution of the laws which already exist in a matter which the sovereign considers necessary.” Royal proclamations which, although not made in the exercise of the executive power of the Crown, require subjects to perform a duty which they are legally bound to perform, or refrain from any act or conduct already prohibited by law, are lawful and correct, and disobedience to them is an aggravation of the offence. A written or printed document containing these elements issued by the competent authority. 3 Inst 162; 1 Bl. Comm. 170. The word “proclamation” is also used to express the public appointment of a person to high office; When such a prince was proclaimed emperor. Practice. The statement made by the crier with the authority of the court that something will be done.

In the practice of equity. Proclamation of a sheriff after a seizure order, in which a defendant who has not appeared in person is summoned to appear and respond to the plaintiff`s bill. 3 Bl. Comm. 444. Proclamation of the owner. A proclamation by the owner (repeated three times) inviting the heir or heir of a deceased impersonator to come forward, pay the fine and be included in the estate; If he does not appear, the Lord could seize the Quouique lands (temporarily). -Proclamation of claims.

In the old English law. When an exclamation was made, a proclamation was issued at the same time, ordering the sheriff of the county where the defendant resided to make three proclamations in the most notorious and likely places to be brought to his attention, one month before the ostracism took place. 3 Bl. Comm. 284. Announcement of a fine. The announcement or proclamation made after the imposition of a fine, which consisted of reading it openly in court sixteen times, four times during the term of office in which it was made and four times in each of the following three periods, but which was then reduced to one reading in each term. Cowell. See 2 Bl. Comm. 352. Proclamation of rebellion.

In the old English law. A proclamation from the sheriff ordering the presence of a person who has not obeyed a subpoena or seizure at the office. If he surrendered after this proclamation, a commission of rebellion was issued. 8 Bl. Comm. 444. Proclamation of the rejects. A proclamation in which the recusants were formerly condemned if they had not appeared at the assizes. Jacob. Among the issues they raised were timing, as well as some concerns about the government`s proclamation on land reclamation.

In some rare cases, the heralds of the College of Arms and the Court of Lyon (or any other person) read certain proclamations, such as the proclamation on the dissolution of Parliament or the proclamations on the coronation of the monarch, where they are read on the steps of the Royal Exchange in London and the Mercat Cross in Edinburgh. [ref. needed] Proclamation in Middle English, English French, Latin proclamation, proclamation, proclamations the Queen made a proclamation! When the king sent a proclamation for their reparation in their houses, a nobleman issued a protest against these proclamations. Edward Hyde. The Crown has from time to time promulgated laws by proclamation; and the Statute of Proclamation of 1539 stipulated that proclamations made by the King with the consent of the council should have the force of law, unless they interfere with “the inheritance, functions, liberties, property, movable property or life of any person.” However, this decree was repealed by a law of 1547; and it is certain that a proclamation purportedly issued in the exercise of legislative power, by which the sovereign imposes an obligation for which the subject is not legally responsible, or prohibits, under penalty what is not an offence, or adds new penalties to an offence, has no effect, unless it is itself issued by virtue of a legal authority (see also Rules of Procedure to the Council). [2] Over the course of your career, say in the last 15 or 20 years, there have been a number of incidents or proclamations that have really upset some people. The numerical value of the proclamation in Chaldean numerology is: 1 that which is proclaimed, proclaimed publicly or officially declared; a published regulation; as the proclamation of a king; However, a Queen B Thanksgiving proclamation wore a rather unconventional fur jacket that seemed to contradict her recent vegan proclamation. The earliest records of the proclamation date back to the 1300s.

It comes from the Latin word prōclāmātiōnem, from the verb prōclāmāre, which means “to proclaim”. Strong women, fighters, with that spirit of courage that takes you to the front in the proclamation of the Gospel.