Coatis, bred in captivity, can be kept as pets, but proof of legal acquisition is required. No county west of the Pecos River with a population of less than 25,000 requires a permit. Only monkeys are not allowed in Arizona, and in Indiana you can have monkeys, baboons, and monkeys, but you will need a special permit for exotic animals. All types of pet monkeys are allowed in Mississippi, with the exception of macaques, baboons, and monkeys. Wisconsin, Florida and Texas have detailed restrictions on certain breeds and species of monkeys. Before considering a monkey a pet, it`s best to check your local laws and regulations regarding pet monkeys. If you live in a state where pet monkeys are legal or restricted with proper permits, it`s important to understand that monkeys are wild animals, no matter how tame they may seem. Monkeys are wild animals; They are not suitable for domestication as pets. Many states that allow them as pets have lengthy application processes and expensive adhesive requirements.
For example, Florida requires the applicant to be a certain age — at least 16 to own some monkeys and 18 for others — and have 1,000 hours of volunteer work with monkeys, receive letters of recommendation, and pass a written exam. In addition, special requirements apply to the size of the land on which the habitat will be built, as well as to the construction of the habitat itself. Keep in mind that many municipalities and counties have their pet monkey laws that can ban monkeys even in states that don`t have a ban. In addition, homeowner associations generally regulate pet ownership, as do owners` insurance policies. It is imperative that you review all your local and state laws regarding exotic pet ownership before making a decision that will lead to broken hearts when the authorities come to confiscate your furry friend. Monkeys belong to nature, a fact that many lawmakers already recognize. Many others are getting into it. It follows that these animals require special care. In addition, states that allow monkeys may have detailed welfare checks, lengthy applications, and expensive fees and fines required to legally keep a monkey as a pet. Like all northeastern states, Pennsylvania regulates exotic animals. Unfortunately, almost all exotic animals, with the exception of some reptiles and birds, are illegal without a permit, and officials have suggested that permits be issued only for animals native to the state. The following link deals with the story of Sandy Reynolds, who thought she had legally acquired her exotic animals when PA officials asked her to do so in 2001.
Their story exposes poor oversight of exotic animal regulation in the state. Exotic pet owners often do not have the same rights as other pet owners and face unfair treatment and discrimination. While the definition is unclear as to whether great apes are considered exotic wildlife, the phrase “including, but not limited to” suggests that monkeys could potentially fall under the law. Furthermore, the reference to `birds` in the second sentence of the definition implies that the list of canids, bears or felids in the previous sentence is not exhaustive. What argues against including great apes in the definition of “exotic wildlife” is that the regulation only describes the housing conditions of canids and felids (58 Pa. Code § 147.244). However, the regulation also does not specify other species. While the law suggests that great apes could potentially be classified as exotic, it would take specific action from the regulator to open the door to that interpretation, which they have yet to do. Therefore, great apes cannot be considered “exotic animals” in Pennsylvania. Some states also require a minimum age to adopt a monkey or have a certain number of volunteer hours that work with monkeys to qualify to keep a monkey as a pet. Permits are required for the importation, transportation and possession of illegally possessed wildlife. However, in spider monkeys, the primary determination of AWA is only for the size of the cage or pen.
A spider monkey is considered a “brachiante” species, that is, an animal that uses its arms and legs to swing from one place to another. According to the AWA, braising animal pens must meet certain basic dimensions in terms of floor area and height, depending on the size and weight of the primate. The active spider monkey needs a lot of living space, with plenty of space to move freely. Many states have cryptic rules for private ownership of so-called exotic animals. While some states explicitly list which species are legal and which are prohibited, others regulate specific species with different laws. Many states require permits that are extremely difficult to obtain or that are not distributed to “normal” people for the use of pets, which does not make the animal legal. Pennsylvania`s laws seem a little confusing, but the state is terrible when it comes to the rights of exotic pet owners. Question: Is domesticated pine marten legal in Pennsylvania, if so, what are the permits? If an animal is not prohibited or requires a permit, it can be kept as a pet. However, no person may own more than 6 animals of any kind whatsoever and not more than 25 wild animals without game at a time.
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