The pros and cons of increasing the driving age often raise more questions than answers. Some U.S. states may offer opportunities below the global standard, but lawmakers across the country need to answer the question. If you think this debate could ever save lives, contact your state`s lawmakers to let them know how you feel. Each child and adolescent develops in his or her own way. Instead of forcing the government to pass blanket laws, we should leave things as they are and force parents to be parents. Let mom and dad decide whether their child should drive or not. Who knows a teenager better than his guardian? Everyone is different. To say that someone is not mentally mature at the age of seventeen is a general generalization. Some people by the age of 18 may not have reached what the proposal calls “full mental maturity.” Some people may never reach “full spiritual maturity.” We get tired at different speeds, so we have safety precautions to make sure drivers have sufficient “mental maturity” and this is called the “driving test”.
If you fail, you can`t drive legally without someone who has a clean driver`s license with you for three years. This is a violation of the law and will be punished. Raising the age to 18 would have no effect, as the driving test is designed to ensure the “mental maturity” of the driver before he is fully qualified. Peole will be the same, regardless of age! There are people who are 20 years old and older who are not yet mature. So it depends on what kind of person you are. People have to grow up at some point. I`m 17, I didn`t take any pilots, I answered ten questions for my written driving test (in Oklahoma), I failed my behind-the-seat test, I came back, I got a hundred, I still need to be arrested and get a ticket. I`ve never been into a wreck, I don`t talk on the phone, I can drive easily in cities like Los Angeles and San Francisco.
And see many, many, many terrible drivers everywhere I go. I don`t think the age limit should be increased, I think if you get it wrong, once you lose your driving time privilege. Stupid biased point. I am a woman from the United Kingdom and I do not agree that 17-year-olds are immature. Some are, but not all, they are mainly “running boys” who do not knock everyone over. Adults are also at risk of falling. So do not increase old age, because it is an unnecessary waste of time and money. Okay, I`m 16, almost 17, recently had a car accident, I was to blame for not seeing the other driver, I was driving and turning on another road and I was hit in a head-on collision by a mother who exceeded the speed limit by 45 miles per hour, my new car was totally and I was taken to the hospital for a broken feast. Clavicle, heart, broken sternum and collapsed lung, If I had died, she would have been to blame and probably would have gone to jail. That is the problem. The bottom line is that driving is dangerous for ALL ages, not just teenagers.
Driving is dangerous, especially for inexperienced drivers and those driving near inexperienced drivers. The idea was put forward to raise the legal driving age from sixteen to eighteen. I believe that this idea overestimates the increased sense of responsibility and mental performance of 18-year-olds compared to 16-year-olds. Changes should only be made if there are good reasons for the change and there are not enough good reasons for it. Giving teens the ability to drive will give them invaluable life experiences. Yes, driving is risky. It`s risky, no matter how old we are. But driving is one of those things we simply can`t avoid in modern society, and teenagers should be able to experience the world with the freedom that driving brings. The most common cause of death in adolescents. Car accidents. The controversy surrounding raising the driving age remains a hot topic among safety experts, politicians and drivers. Since the number of car accidents remains a constant problem in today`s society, some argue that the legal driving age will prevent road accidents.
A constant question in the safety world was whether the age of driving should be raised. Typically, drivers must be 16 or 17 years old to drive alone. There are many people, including politicians and security experts, who want to raise the age to 18. 2. This would encourage teens to be more physically active. If the driving age were raised from its current limits, it would encourage young drivers to be physically active if they want to drive somewhere outside the home. Since it would be taboo to get behind the wheel, there could be an increase in walking, cycling, and other movement-based movements. With up to 1 in 3 teens in some states being overweight or obese, we could encourage our kids to work on their health while giving them more time to practice for their eventual driving test.
One of the ideas proposed to counter the disadvantages of obtaining a driver`s license at the age of 16 is to raise the driving age. By giving more class time, young people can become individual runners with better skills because they have had more time to practice with their parents or instructors. In countries like America and Australia, the minimum age is even lower. It seems to set a precedent that this is correct. Even if they think we`re too young, we`ll always have better grades and better skills to make thin ones for more people and jobs. It`s a sad truth, but car accidents are the leading cause of death among teenagers. A 16-year-old is almost twice as likely to die in a car accident as a 30-year-old. And with new topics like cell phone driving, texting while driving, and other forms of distracted driving, there are good reasons to discuss this topic. If we can get the most dangerous drivers off the road, we will not only save the lives of young adults, but we will also make the roads safer for everyone else. Instead of banning driving in general or raising the driving age, we should find ways to make the transition to adulthood safer for young people.
Multi-tiered driver`s license programs have dramatically increased teen driver safety, as well as safer cars, zero-tolerance laws for alcohol and distracted driving, curfews, better driver education, and increased parental supervision with safe driving apps, dashboard cameras, and GPS tracking. I think they want older kids to drive, but they have never tried to pit 14-year-olds against 18-year-olds because they think we are not ready for that. But I already know how to drive, but I can`t drive yet because the law says I can`t drive until I`m 16 and a half. But I also want to say that I want to be able to visit places and have freedom because it`s not fair, so we should have the right to drive instead of walking everywhere. We can even go to school earlier and not have to go to Saturday school because we will never be late. But that`s just my opinion as a 13-year-old, but I think they should change the law so that young teenagers have the chance to drive. 7. It would mature the physiology of a teenager. Science shows us that the human brain tends to be underdeveloped and volatile in adolescence. This is one of the reasons why children this age tend to be impulsively and emotionally unstable and not predict the consequences of their actions. Since all of these skills are essential to the driving process, increasing the driving age would allow young people to mature physically enough to eventually become better drivers.
Raising the age does not guarantee a reduction in deaths. On the contrary, it would simply change the statistics from “17 to 20 years” to “18 to 21 years”. The reason drivers crash is a lack of experience, and an 18-year-old with one year of experience is just as likely to crash as a 17-year-old with a year of experience. By the way, it would be the same with a 35-year-old man with a year of experience. Raising the age would therefore not significantly increase the number of deaths and injuries. You may be able to change your age, but you can`t change people! In addition, logically, we cannot say that we should increase the driving age because young people harm others and/or are injured while driving. For example, a parallel can be found in driving statistics for men versus women. According to studies, men of all ages are 77% more likely to kill someone while driving than women. It would be equally illogical to raise the driving age to 18, as banning men from won`t help if you stay on tour for two more years and do nothing, you might be more mature at 18, but that doesn`t mean you`re mature enough for the road. The proposal forgets that drivers are not “dropped” on the roads, but must first pass a test to ensure their ability to drive. And to generalize and say that 17-year-olds are immature is wrong. In fact, many running boys are at least over 20 years old.
Meet Top Gear`s presenters and audience. Young drivers and even older drivers cause many fatal accidents; Raising the minimum age at which people are allowed to drive might reduce that, but is it a benefit to society, and are the statistics true? We can help reduce accident rates if the driving age is raised to 18 so that no more children can be injured or killed in an accident on the motorway or by another car colliding with their car, if we increase the driving age, it will be safer for young and old. Drive 18 better than 16. Even people drive without a driver`s license. The police do nothing. Crush the car. Give them a 12-month ban. Should be stopped before it gets worse. One reason to show that 18-year-olds have a more mature mind than 16-year-olds is the pressure of university and being alone.
When you`re 18, you think about the life ahead of you, what stresses you out, because one day you`re going to have to pay for everything, and even if you`re not in college yet, you`d rather have some money that your parents pay for an accident. This is wrong because I would have the opportunity to drive to work, because I am becoming a responsible adult.
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