However, it is worth paying attention to the packaging requirements so that your goods meet the expectations of Amazon customers. We know that paperwork is slow and delays shipping. We have a tablet-friendly shipping screen that helps your warehouse pack and print labels in a clean step. Just select the orders and the SSCCs will be generated automatically, just like the LPR compliant labels! Vendors can create the ASN and labels directly in amazon vendor portal. This option is largely unchanged from the current process, but there are a number of new features in Vendor Central to facilitate single SKUs boxes. The table has been improved to facilitate the process of MATCHing the box ASIN. It`s important to understand that items that go to the fulfillment center must be ready/prepared enough to be sent directly to the buyer, or you need to pay Amazon to do so with the fulfillment service (below). If you do not organize both, the items may arrive in a damaged condition, as they will have to withstand processing by couriers. Depending on the category, Amazon may ship the item in the product packaging without an outer carton. This often happens, for example, in the Kitchen and Home category. In other words, the shipping label is placed directly on the product box.
Standard retail packaging may not be enough and may arrive in shabby condition. For the discussion of packaging and labelling, these three execution options can essentially be divided into two categories; FBM and FBA (SFP is similar to FBM in the sense that the seller still has to process orders). We will refer to FBM and FBA in this guide, which are also the two main types of execution. In Seller Central, you can organize and print labels. If you don`t have your own barcode system, you can request Amazon barcodes in Seller Central. For a useful and in-depth tutorial on printing and editing UPC and FNSKU labels, it`s worth watching this short video: The good news is that more and more suppliers are becoming familiar with Amazon`s packaging requirements and standards. All you have to do is ask your supplier to label your goods for you with the labels generated by Seller Central. First of all, for every business that sells products on Amazon, there are three types of order fulfillment. This is worth taking into account, since each has different packaging requirements: before you start packing, it should be noted that labels should also follow strict guidelines. If you opt for the FBM route, it`s always a good idea to make sure your packaging and labeling comply with Amazon`s guidelines before sending your items to the buyer.
However, if you choose the FBA route, keep in mind that there are two distinct elements for FBA packaging: In 2014, Amazon implemented initiatives to streamline and improve its inbound operations to minimize out-of-stock rates and reduce billing discrepancies. One of the most important goals for Amazon is to make the contents of boxes or pallets visible when the truck is unloaded. In order to achieve this objective, they shall make changes to their labelling requirements and to the information required in ASN documents with effect from 1 April 2014. SSCCs are a GS1 standard that captures the type of carton, the sender and a single reference. Unlike the GTIN label, knowing an SSCC code does not tell you what the items of the box are, but the SSCC is added to the information at the carton level via EDI as part of the broader DESADV message, allowing the recipient (Amazon supplier) to receive the box with a scan. If you`re still confused, here`s a great video tutorial on how to send your first shipment to Amazon FBA. You can see step by step how to create labels, establish a shipping schedule and the different options in the seller center: Amazon is the largest online marketplace in the world, so it makes sense that your brand is visible on the platform. However, for businesses that sell goods through Amazon, there are various packaging, labeling, and fulfillment options, all of which must meet Amazon`s packaging requirements.
As you can see, the guide is complete at first glance. However, don`t be put off.
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