Section 78 of the Children`s Act – No person shall sell, lend, give, supply, provide or offer liquor to children under 16 years of age unless there is a written order signed by the parent or guardian of the child known to that person. The police have a duty to confiscate any alcoholic beverage in the possession of a child under the age of 16 without the written consent of parents or guardians. [38] Fortunately, drinking out is not only completely legal in Austria, but also socially disapproved to the same extent as in other countries. VOX EU CEPR: “The minimum legal age for alcohol consumption and the social gap in excessive drinking” The researchers therefore discuss some normative effects of the legal age limit. The Council Recommendation on alcohol consumption by young people, especially children and adolescents (2001/458/EC) makes it clear that children should not be targeted by manufacturers and that regulatory control of retailers should be strengthened. Timing of changes in the age of alcohol consumption or purchase or laws restricting access to alcohol for minors: the method of calculating the legal age for alcohol is slightly different from the calculation of the Korean age, which adds an additional year to the age of the person, while this method does not take into account only the month and day of birth, but only the year. [105] In Central America, the Caribbean and South America, the legal drinking age and the legal purchasing age range from 0 to 20 years (see table below). Especially in South America, the legal age of purchase is 18, with two exceptions: Austria also loves Wegbier, the beer you drink when you`re on the go. Previously, non-Muslim foreign residents had to apply for a liquor license to purchase alcoholic beverages, but these holders were prohibited from giving drinks to others. [115] In my experience, despite the law, drinking in public outside bars, pubs, restaurants, picnic areas, etc. is frowned upon in Vienna.
It is a criminal offence to consume alcohol in public or to influence alcohol. [113] The consequences of public drunkenness can also be costly: there are heavy fines for alcohol-related antisocial behaviour. Legal assistance – Your embassy will let you know if you get into trouble abroad. They can inform you of your rights and even provide you with a list of lawyers (which you will have to pay when the services are used). But they cannot interfere in the Austrian legal process on your behalf. For questions about U.S. citizens arrested abroad, including ways to bring them money, call the Citizen Emergency Center at the Office of Special Consular Services in Washington, DC (tel. 202/647-5225).
Citizens of other countries should contact their consulate based in Vienna for advice. In an environment where children and adolescents are already heavily exposed to alcohol, the low legal age offers no protection against the products and practices of the alcohol industry. The consumption of alcohol in public places, with the exception of designated drinking areas, is prohibited regardless of age. In North America, the legal drinking age and the legal purchasing age range from 18 to 21: a new study by a group of economists shows that Austria`s low legal drinking age is leading to an increase in alcohol-related harms among young people. The legal age limit of 16 contributes to widening health inequalities among Austrian adolescents. It is largely legal to drink in public places. Note, however, that there are exceptions. Alcohol consumption laws – Upper Austria, Salzburg and Tyrol prohibit the consumption of distilled beverages under the age of 18, while Carinthia and Styria prohibit beverages containing more than 12% and 14% alcohol respectively in this age group. Carinthia also requires young people to maintain a blood alcohol level below 0.05%, while Upper Austria prohibits “excessive drinking” and Salzburg prohibits consumption that would lead to intoxication. The bans in Vienna, Burgenland, Lower Austria and Vorarlberg only apply to the consumption of alcohol in public. Law enforcement in supermarkets is quite strict, while in restaurants and bars, enforcement is quite lax, especially for beer and wine.
In most Austrian cities and municipalities, a few drinks in the park or in a square are very socially acceptable – provided, of course, that you reduce the noise and don`t start singing “it comes home” at full volume while walking on the sidewalk. However, this tends to be enforced only when people become noisy or unruly; It is relatively common to see people quietly and quietly drinking a beer after work on the way home. Restrictions on opening hours in Vienna vary depending on the different types of establishments that can serve drinks. Raising the legal minimum age has a very positive impact on the health and development of children and adolescents. When the U.S. raised the legal minimum age from 18 to 21, the company saw a number of positive effects: since bars and restaurants were closed during the pandemic, the only place you could drink anything other than home was the park, square, or anywhere else in Austria. This may come as a surprise to many people who come from English-speaking countries, but Austria, like neighboring Germany, tends to pursue a policy of behavior monitoring rather than simply monitoring alcohol consumption. The most well-known reason for the law behind the legal drinking age is the effect on the brain in teenagers. As the brain is still maturing, alcohol can have a negative effect on memory and long-term thinking.
In addition, it can cause liver failure and cause hormonal imbalance in adolescents due to the constant changes and maturation of hormones during puberty. [3] Youth are also particularly at risk of injury when drinking alcohol,[4] as they may not have the necessary knowledge about low-risk drinking. In fact, public health researchers found that people`s age to drink the first full serving of alcohol was significantly related to knowledge of low-risk alcohol consumption and beverage counting. Knowledge about low-risk alcohol consumption and frequency of beverage counting increased more sharply with age at first drinking in adolescence than at the end of the period. [5] Due to the provisions of the Austrian Federal Constitution, the Länder are responsible for youth welfare matters with regard to legislation and enforcement. As a result, different youth protection laws apply in each federal state.
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