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Digital preservation is more complicated because technology evolves so rapidly that a format that was used years ago to store something can become obsolete, such as a 5 1/4 floppy drive.” Computers are no longer made with them, and getting the hardware to convert a file from an obsolete format to a newer format can be expensive. Therefore, the upgrade process should take place every 2 to 5 years,[33] or when the new technology becomes affordable, but before the older technology becomes inaccessible. The Library of Congress offers many resources and tips for individuals interested in digitizing and digitally preserving their personal collections. [34] Gartner defines it as: “Digitization is the process of moving from analog to digital form, also known as digital enablement. In other words, digitization takes an analog process and transforms it into a digital form without changing the process itself. Examples of digitalization in companies exist today as they have been for many decades. Converting handwritten or typed text to digital format is an example of digitization, as is converting music from an LP or video from a VHS tape. Some digitization projects can trace years of records and business information and convert them to digital format for ease of reference. The original content may be stored or destroyed or deteriorate over time, as in the case of magnetic tapes. Digital preservation can also be applied to born-digital material. An example of something born digitally is a Microsoft Word document saved as a .docx file or as a post on a social media site. Digitization, on the other hand, applies exclusively to analogue documents.

Born-digital materials pose a unique challenge to digital preservation, not only because of technological obsolescence, but also because of the inherently unstable nature of digital storage and maintenance. Most websites last between 2.5 and 5 years, depending on the purpose for which they were designed. [35] The term digitization is often used when various forms of information such as an object, text, sound, image or voice are converted into a single binary code. The heart of the process is the compromise between the recording device and the player, so that the rendered result represents the original source with the greatest possible accuracy, and the advantage of digitization is the speed and accuracy with which this form of information can be transmitted without degradation compared to analog information. Accuracy in communication is one of the most critical communication skills. It seems so obvious and simple, but this essential aspect of communication is often overlooked. The effects can be massive, for better or worse. This applies to both oral and written communication.

Accurate communication puts you and your listeners on the same page. Your message will be conveyed clearly and concisely. It is received clearly and accurately. The possibility of misunderstandings, misinterpretations and even bad decisions is drastically reduced. Consistent communication also facilitates future conversations, as definitions are concrete, discussions about misunderstandings and ambiguities are avoided, and trust is established. Unlike digitization, digitization does not have a single, clear definition. “`Digitization` and `digitization` are two conceptual terms that are closely related and are often used interchangeably in a wide range of literature,” say J. Scott Brennen, a doctoral student in communications, and Daniel Kreiss, associate professor, both at the University of North Carolina`s School of Media and Journalism. “We refer to digitalisation as how many areas of social life are being restructured around digital communication infrastructures and media.

With this in mind, we look at the different concepts in terms of granularity, with digital transformation being the big picture, up to digitization at ground level. Gartner`s definition is therefore very different from that of academics and focuses on the evolution of business models rather than social interactions. Digitization projects may emerge from digital transformation, which can then lead to the digitization of business information, but this is not the whole digital transformation. This shift towards digitalisation in the contemporary media world has implications for traditional media products. However, these “restrictions are still very vague”. [16] As technology advances, the mass media sector will become more convergent, reducing the need for traditional communication technologies. For example, the Internet has changed many communication standards, creating greater efficiency not only for individuals but also for businesses. However, McQuail suggests that traditional media have also benefited greatly from new media that provide more effective and efficient resources.

[16] According to this definition, digitalisation is more about business processes than social interactions or business models – although all these terms are clearly linked. Digitization is the process of converting analog signals or information of any form into a digital format that can be understood by computer systems or electronic devices. The term is used when information such as text, images, or voices and sounds are converted into binary code. Digitized information is easier to store, retrieve and transmit, and digitization is used by a number of consumer electronic devices. Similarly, for any business that needs to manage field operations or simply juggle a large number of resources, a quick and easy way to digitally schedule those resources is essential to ensure everyone sees the latest version of the job board and maximize service technician utilization. We`ve also included a few simple visual templates that we think will really help you distinguish the terms clearly.